Wellness Exams

Check-ups & Wellness Care
Our goal is to help your pet live the longest, healthiest life possible. That starts with the basics: quality nutrition, adequate exercise, excellent grooming, and yes, regular veterinary check-ups.
Our Preventative Care
Airpark Animal Hospital’s comprehensive approach to preventative wellness care includes the following areas of focus.
Vaccinations based on age and lifestyle
Dental and oral health assessment and care
Exercise and activity assessment
Nutrition and weight management recommendations
Parasite control and prevention including fleas, ticks, intestinal worms, and heart worm.
Behavioral evaluation and proactive intervention when behavioral issues arise
Wellness laboratory testing including regular screening for heartworm, tick borne disease, intestinal parasites and internal organ health
Senior Pet Care
At Airpark Animal Hospital we love our elder pets! We also know that preventative care is even more significant for them and can have a major positive impact on their quality of life and longevity. In addition to annual or bi-annual physical examinations we also recommend regular blood and urine screening to assess for underlying diseases that often develop quietly and insidiously. This allows for earlier intervention to keep your senior pet as happy and healthy as possible.